Somalia: SNA Retakes Darrusalam Village in Lower Shabelle Region


The Somali National Army (SNA) on Tuesday recaptured a key village in Awdhegle in lower Shabelle.

Osman Abdimalik Malim, a special forces (Danab) commander, told journalists that the Somali forces liberated Darrusalam village in the Lower Shabelle province after a military operation in the region and the military is also searching for landmine.

He added that the military operation was well planned to aim at eliminating the presence of Al-Shabaab militants in the region.

He said that the operation will continue until the group is wiped out of the region.

The capture of the town adds to several other villages liberated by the Somali military and African Union forces in the Lower Shabelle region.

The latest operation came barely less than three hours after

Recently Al-Shabab continues to occupy large parts of southern and central Somalia despite little military defeat on the ground and the group is still capable to carry out high profile attacks in Mogadishu and elsewhere.

The Somali forces are preparing to take over full security responsibility from the withdrawing 22,000 AU soldiers.